In the News

Formal Studies:
BA in American Studies
Master in Education, El. Ed. & Secondary English
Master in Special Education, Infant – Adult
In the News
Formal Studies:
BA in American Studies
Master in Education, El. Ed. & Secondary English
Master in Special Education, Infant – Adult
36½" x 41"
East African cloth was purchased in a small village marketplace in Tanzania. The hippo was painted on canvas, placed on hand-dyed cloth and encircled by richly patterned East African cottons.
Images 2010, Lowell Quilt Festival, Lowell, MA 2010
Tappan Z Gallery, Tarrytown, NY
26" x 39"
My grandson Kasper aspires annually to send pitched balls out of the park. He brags that his powerful baseball swing sets balls on fire. The spinning motif is inspired by Helen Remick's quilt "Spinning Out Spinning In."
Cheers, Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival, Hampton, VA, 2010
AQS Quilt Expo - Des Moines, IA, 2009
There's No Place Like Home, PA National Quilt Extravaganza XVI, Philadelphia, PA, 2009
High Hopes, Denver National Quilt Festival IV, Denver, CO, 2009
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26" x 37"
My granddaughter Sierra enjoys her lessons on ice and dreams of starring in the next class performance.
Traditions and Beyond; Tompkins County Quilters Guild, Ithaca, NY, 2009
Text needed for this these
Young Patriot
36" x 38½"
This small quilt is a compact statement of my concerns for my country and the deeper question of the validity of its values. History’s slogans and media’s catch phrases only scratch the surface of what this young adult must weigh in accepting the responsibilities of patriotism. These exciting hand-dyed batiks and the selected typewriter key beads assist me presenting today’s challenges to a young patriot.
he Voice that is Great Within Us; Fiberarts Connection of Southern California
On Tour 2008-10
40" x 41"
East African cloth was purchased in a small village marketplace in Tanzania. African beads have been added to enhance the batik canvases done by local artists. While traveling along roads in East Africa one sees winding paths filled with the color and companionship of people walking to and from market.
Images 2010, Lowell Quilt Festival, Lowell, MA 2010
Wall Quilt-Appliqued - Third Place
AQS Quilt Show and Contest, Knoxville, TE, 2010
AQS Quilt Show and Contest, Paducah, KY, 2010
Tappan Z Gallery, Tarrytown, NY, 2009
Shaded Trail, Secret Stream
I met these two children on their nursery school outing and, with the aid of Photoshop, I merged them into a photo of a peaceful campground stream. I wish to capture the wonder of children coming upon a special, hidden place. The adaptation of the quilt square Shaded Trail is placed around the digital images to blend the scene into its quilted environment of flickering light and bubbling, circling water.
Evolutions 2010, Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum, Golden, CO
29" x 30"
A Quilting-By-The-Lake class led by Judi Warren challenged me to find fabric which represented the basic color spectrum. Locating "peach" was most difficult! The design proved static and needed movement - hence the added ribbon.
Vernal Equinox; Logan Ridge Wine Cellars, Hector, NY, 2004
Still Life
19" x 20"
I am fascinated by the distinctive posture and markings of the Blue Heron. Yet, as a motionless figure, how easily it seems to meld into its environment. A work of camouflage.
Schweinfurth Member Show, Schweinfurth Art Center, Geneva, NY, 2021
Curious Tea Party
34” x 24” x 22”h (16”h without case) Sculpture arrangement within a clear acrylic case
I have fond memories of being read Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by my dad when I was a little girl. The story illustrations by Sir John Tenniel are classic and inspired me to create the Mad Hatter, Queen and King of Hearts, White Rabbit, Dormouse, and Alice tea party. “Off with their heads!”
Silk Ladies
11” x 16” each
These ladies’ faces on cloth are the “teacher demo” product of many portraits-in-fabric classes I enjoyed leading a decade ago. Recently I found them set aside in a stack in my stash closet. Serendipitously I came upon them shortly after I had purchased a bag of Kriska painted silk scraps. Seemed like a good fit so I challenged myself to dress up the ladies with silk. Examples of my daughter’s hands were added to each composition.
Schweinfurth Member Show, Schweinfurth Art Center, Geneva, NY, 2019
$250 ea.
Look at Me
23.5” x 35.5”
My grandson Oskar is sure he is a cool dude happily hanging out at the local playground. His favorite toys Lightning McQueen and pals accompany him everywhere, of course.
I took a snapshot of this young girl when traveling in East Africa. She was leaning against a gatepost at a game reserve and appeared quietly self-absorbed while my tour group was speaking with her father, the gatekeeper.
Gate Keeper's Daughter
17" x 34”
I took a snapshot of this young girl when traveling in East Africa. She was leaning against a gatepost at a game reserve and appeared quietly self-absorbed while my tour group was speaking with her father, the gatekeeper.
27" x 18"
I collected this unsigned painting of a Giraffe when travelling in East Africa. I added lines of quilting and strips of geometric design woven cloth.
27" x 18”
I collected this unsigned painting of a Warthog when travelling in East Africa. I added lines of quilting and strips of Mud Cloth – woven cotton hand-dyed by fermented leaves and mud.
27" x 18”
I collected this unsigned painting of a Kudu when travelling in East Africa. I added lines of quilting and strips of Mud Cloth – woven cotton hand-dyed by fermented leaves and mud.
Cape Buffalo
27" x 18”
I collected this unsigned painting of a Cape Buffalo when travelling in East Africa. I added lines of quilting and strips of Mud Cloth – woven cotton hand-dyed with fermented leaves and mud.