Lion of Lucerne
58½" x 52½ This 27 foot "dying lion" is sculpted in a sandstone rock face just off a central square in Lucerne, Switzerland, and commemorates the 800 soldiers and officers of the Swiss Guard who died in 1789 while defending the Tuilleries during the French Revolution. Globe trotter Mark Twain described this lion as “the saddest and most moving piece of rock in the world.” My fabric Lion of Lucerne is dedicated to the memory of a more recent lion, Marjan, of the Kabul Zoo in Afghanistan. Marjan was blinded by a grenade and fatally malnourished and subsequently died while in captivity during the siege on his country following our 9/11, 2001, disasters. He became a news-media symbol of Afghanistan’s struggle for peace. This quilt was selected to travel with the Husqvarna-Viking Masterpieces collection, 2002-2004 The Quilt Divas; Quilting by the Lake;Morrisville, NY, 2005 Masterpieces: A Voyage of Self-Discovery; Husqvarna -Viking Competition, International Quilt Festival, Houston, TX, 2002. Private collection, Dansville, NY