Berry Season

64½" x 68½"

This is my response to a fabulous poem depicting a berry picker’s joy and sensuous pleasure as she and her companion gather ripe fruit during the berry season.  I challenged myself to create a skewed background of pinwheels to doubly suggest a landscape terrain as well as a picnicker’s quilt thrown carelessly upon the ground.  My initial concept for this scene was of a gypsy girl running down a berry-lined path.  You can see that the quilt persona took over!  Now I have a young country girl  - perhaps from my Finger Lakes region.

Greater Ithaca Art Trail, Second Story Studio, Ithaca, NY, 2007

Traditions & Beyond; Tompkins County Quilters Guild, Ithaca, NY, 2005
Viewers Choice

The Quilt Divas; Quilting by the Lake; Morrisville, NY, 2005

AQS Nashville Exhibition; TN, 2003

Quilts=Art=Quilts; Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Auburn, NY, 2003-04

World Quilt & Textile - On Tour; Grand Rapid, MI, & Manchester, NH, 2004

Quilts: A World of Beauty;  International Quilt Festival, Houston, TX, 2004

Quilts for a Cause; Quilters' Heritage Celebration, Lancaster, PA, 2005
